Vegetation Coverage 2000 - Coverage version
1.1 Citation
Originator Metro Data Resource Center
Publication date 2000
Title Vegetation Coverage 2000
1.2 Description
Abstract This is a simple vegetation landcover layer collected via interpretation of panchromatic digital orthophotographs. Polygons were digitized around forest, woody non-forest vegetation, open space, and developed gaps. Forest landcover types were delineated for the entire area within the Metro Service District and all sections within one mile beyond the District boundary. Woody non-forest vegetation and open space was delineated only within 300 feet of a mapped stream within the Metro Service District and all sections within one mile beyond the District boundary.
Purpose This data was developed to provide more accurate information on the edges of potential resource features for Metros Fish and Wildlife Protection program and to augment satellite based landcover and canopy data for other metro programs
Supplemental information The landcover types digitized represent features as seen from a birds eye view. Landcover polygons do not incorporate information on the existing or planned use of the location they occur on unless it is visible and relevant to the delineation. Landcover patches were delineated by trained technical staff to be used at a scale of one 1 inch to 800 feet. The actual scale at witch data was collected was 1 inch to 400 feet, however, errors in digitizing, interpretation, and the spatial accuracy of the orthophotos used makes the usable scale higher. The minimum mapping unit for a landcover polygon was one acre. Any landcover polygon less than on acre in size should be considered no data. Roads, where visible in the photos, were not digitized as breaks in the landcover types unless they had four our more lanes or an excessive un-vegetated right of way adjacent to them. For forest landcover types, technical staff were trained to identify relatively dense groupings of trees (>60% coverage) as patches. Cross analysis with satellite canopy data shows that 76% of the patches delineated are predominately closed forest canopy (76% to 100% total coverage). The remaining 24% are predominately open forest (51% to 75% total coverage).
1.3 Time period of content 20010606
1.4 Status
Progress Complete
Maintenance/update frequency As needed
1.5 Spatial domain
Description Urban Clackamas County, Multnomah County, and Washington County, Oregon
West bounding coordinate -123.15156069
East bounding coordinate -122.31651100
North bounding coordinate 45.70263875
South bounding coordinate 45.23396470
1.6 Keywords
Theme keyword thesaurus None
Theme keyword forest, vegetation, canopy
Place keyword thesaurus None
Place keyword Portland, Multnomah County, Washington County, Clackamas County, Oregon
1.7 Access Constraints None
1.8 Use Constraints These data are sold under the agreement that the user may use the data in its business activity and for no other purpose whatsoever. User shall not allow access to the data by any other person or organization, unless authorized in writing by the Metro DRC or, if the other party is a contractor providing services to a government requiring usage of the data in order to provide contractual services.
User shall not duplicate the data except for the following:
(1) User may make one backup copy of the data, and
(2) User may translate the data into other formats and/or media.
For full product purchase agreement that accompanies these data, please see
1.10 Browse graphic
Browse graphic file name
Browse graphic file description
Browse graphic file type
1.13 Native data set environment Cover name: $TL/reg/vegcov00
Software/hardware: ArcInfo 8.1 on NT workstation.
ArcSDE 8.1 on Compaq Alpha 4100. Tru64 5.0 OS.
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2.4 Horizontal positional accuracy Delineated on-screen to 2000 ortho photography.
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3.2 Direct spatial reference method Vector
3.3 Point and vector object information
SDTS point and vector object type Polygon
Point and vector object count
3.4 Raster object information
Raster object type NA
Row count
Column count
4.1 Horizontal Coordinate System
Grid coordinate system name State plane coordinate system 1983.
SPCS zone identifier 5076
Planar distance units International feet
Horizontal datum name North American Datum of 1983/1991 (HPGN)
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5.2 Overview description Related data files and field descriptions follow:
Table Name Column Sample Domain Value Definition
Vegcov00.pat -- -- Vegetation coverage attribute table

forest -- Vegetation coverage type.

1 Forest

2 Grass or open field

3 Woody or shrub
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6.1 Distributor
Contact organization Metro Data Resource Center
Address 600 NE Grand Ave.
City Portland
State or province OR
Postal code 97232
Contact voice telephone 503 797-1742
Contact facsimile telephone 503 797-1909
Contact electronic mail address
6.3 Distribution liability The information in this file was derived from digital databases on Metro's GIS. Care was taken in the creation of this file. Metro cannot accept any responsibility for errors, omissions, or positional accuracy. There are no warranties, expressed or implied.
6.4 Standard order process
Digital transfer information
Format name Shapefile, arc export, DXF or MapInfo. Hourly fee will be charged for conversion
Transfer size
Digital transfer options:
Online option
Network resource name
Access instructions Metro can place data on its FTP site on request. In most cases, a fee for the data will be charged. Call 503 797-1742 or email for instructions.
Offline option
Offline media CD-ROM
Recording format ISO9660 (DOS, Unix, or Macintosh)
Offline option
Offline media Zip cartridge
Recording format Iomega
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7.1 Metadata date 20011009
7.4 Metadata contact
Contact person Justin Houk
Contact voice telephone 503 797-1664
Contact facsimile telephone 503 797-1909
Contact electronic mail address
7.5 Metadata standard name FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata
7.6 Metadata standard version 19940608
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