Zoning - Shapefile version
1.1 Citation
Originator Metro Data Resource Center
Publication date 1990
Title Zoning
1.2 Description
Abstract Zoning designation boundaries from local zoning ordinances. This layer has been reviewed by each jurisdiction and corrections were made by Metro where advised. Some errors are likely to remain and the jurisdiction should be used as the ultimate source for the actual zoning of a given property. In jurisdictions that use one map for comprehensive land use plan designations and zoning designations, the plan and zoning files are the same.
Purpose Used by planners and citizens to check zoning regulations.
Supplemental information ArcView legends: Zone_cl.avl - draws each zoning classification in a different color.
Zoneg_cl.avl - draws the six generalized zone classifications in a different color.

1.3 Time period of content Current
1.4 Status
Progress Complete
Maintenance/update frequency Quarterly
1.5 Spatial domain
Description Urban Clackamas County; entirity of Multnomah and Washington counties, Oregon
West bounding coordinate -123.47121656
East bounding coordinate -121.65053671
North bounding coordinate 45.82618832
South bounding coordinate 44.85462409
1.6 Keywords
Theme keyword thesaurus None
Theme keyword Zoning, land use, zoning designations, zoning classifications
Place keyword thesaurus None
Place keyword Portland, Multnomah County, Washington County, Clackamas County, Oregon
1.7 Access Constraints None
1.8 Use Constraints These data are sold under the agreement that the user may use the data in its business activity and for no other purpose whatsoever. User shall not allow access to the data by any other person or organization, unless authorized in writing by the Metro DRC or, if the other party is a contractor providing services to a government requiring usage of the data in order to provide contractual services.
User shall not duplicate the data except for the following:
(1) User may make one backup copy of the data, and
(2) User may translate the data into other formats and/or media.
For full product purchase agreement that accompanies these data, please see http://storefront.metro-region.org/drc/rlislite/subscribe/license.cfm
1.10 Browse graphic
Browse graphic file name zone.gif
Browse graphic file description Color-coded generalized zoning designations with streets and rivers.
Browse graphic file type GIF
1.13 Native data set environment Shape file: zoning.shp
SDE layer: land.zoning
Software/hardware: ArcInfo 8.1 on NT workstation.
ArcSDE 8.1 on Compaq Alpha 4100. Tru64 5.0 OS.
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2.4 Horizontal positional accuracy Registered to tax lots.
2.5 Lineage
Process step
Process description Zoning information was collected from the 24 cities and three counties in the region. The maps were digitized and check plots were reviewed by each of the jurisdictions. Corrections were made on the digital copy. The approx. 500 local zoning designations were captured on the map and a lookup table was created which categorized the local designations into 18 categories which are displayed on regional maps.
Process date 1990 approx.
Process step
Process description The REGPLAN and REGPLANGEN data items were renamed to PLAN_CLASS and PLANGEN_CL.
Process date 199807
Process step
Process description This layer was reprojected to the NAD83/91 projection (also known as HPGN) as part of a conversion of all RLIS map layers.
Process date 199807
Process step
Process description The standard regional zoning classification system was expanded from 21 to 26 classes. The zone_cl.avl and plan_cl.avl (legend files) have all 26 classifications. This made the legend larger. The zone_gcl.avl and plan_gcl.avl are unchanged and still show the zones aggregated into 6 classes.
Process date 199907
Process step
Process description Added MUC as a seventh generalized class.
Process date 20010416
Process step
Process description Projection information (.prj file), compatible with ArcGIS 8.1, was added to the layer.
Process date 20010715
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3.2 Direct spatial reference method Vector
3.3 Point and vector object information
SDTS point and vector object type Polygon
Point and vector object count
3.4 Raster object information
Raster object type NA
Row count
Column count
4.1 Horizontal Coordinate System
Grid coordinate system name State plane coordinate system 1983.
SPCS zone identifier 5076
Planar distance units International feet
Horizontal datum name North American Datum of 1983/1991 (HPGN)
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5.2 Overview description Related data files and field descriptions follow:
Table Name Column Sample Domain Value Definition
Zoning.dbf -- -- Description of the zoning polygon attributes.

Area -- Area in square feet.

City_no -- Census jurisdiction number code.

Zone -- Local jurisdiction zoning designation.

City -- City name.

Describe -- Description of the local jurisdiction zoning designation.

Zone_class -- 26 regional classifications into which the zoning is generalized.

FF Agriculture or Forestry- activities suited to commercial scale agricultural production, typically with lot sizes of 30 acres or more.

RRFU Rural or Future Urban- residential uses permitted on rural lands or areas designated for future urban development, with minimum lot sizes of one acre or more.

SFR1 Single Family 1- detached housing with minimum lot sizes from 20,000 quare feet and up.

SFR2 Single Family 2- detached housing with minimum lot sizes ranging from 12,000 to 20,000 square feet.

SFR3 Single Family 3- detached housing with minimum lot sizes ranging from 8,500 to 12,000 square feet.

SFR4 Single Family 4- detached housing with minimum lot sizes from 6,500 to 8,500 square feet.

SFR5 Single Family 5- detached housing with minimum lot sizes ranging from 5,500 to 6,500 square feet.

SFR6 Single Family 6- detached housing with minimum lot sizes from 4,000 to 5,500 square feet.

SFR7 Single Family 7- detached housing with minimum lot sizes ranging from 0 to 4,000 square feet.

MFR1 Multi-family 1- housing and or duplex, townhouse and attached single-family structures allowed outright. Maximum net allowable densities range from 2 to 25 units per acre, with height limits usually set at 2 1/2 to 3 stories.

MFR2 Multi-family 2- housing accommodating densities ranging from 25 to 50 units per acre. Buildings may exceed three stories in height.

MFR3 Multi-family 3 - housing accomodating densities ranging from 50 to 100 units.

MFR4 Multi-family 4- housing accommodating densities greater than 100 units. This is the densest of the multi-family zones and would require greater use of vertical space and buildings with multiple stories.

CN Neighborhood Commercial- small scale commercial districts permitting retail and service activities such as grocery stores and laundromats supporting the local residential community. Floor space and/or lot size is usually imited from 5,000 to 10,000 square feet.

CG General Commercial- larger scale commercial districts, often with a more regional orientation for providing services. Businesses offering a wide variety of goods and services are permitted and include highway and strip commercial zones.

CC Central Commercial- allows a full range of commercial activities typically associated with central business districts. More restrictive than general commercial in the case of large lot and highway oriented uses, but usally allows multi-story development.

CO Office Commercial- districts accomodating a range of business, professional and medical office facilities, typically as a buffer between residential areas and more intensive uses.

IL Light Industrial- districts permitting warehousing and light processing and fabrication activities. May allow some commercial activities.

IH Heavy Industrial- districts permitting light industrial and more intensive industrial activities such as bottling, limited chemical processing, heavy manufacturing and similar uses.

IMU Mixed Use Industrial- districts accommodating a mix of light manufacturing, office and retail uses.

IA Industrial Area- districts designated exclusively for manufacturing, industrial, warehouse and distribution related operations.

MUC1 Mixed Used Center 1- combines residential and employment uses in town centers, main streets and corridors.

MUC2 Mixed Use Center 2- combines residential and employment uses in light rail station areas and regional centers.

MUC3 Mixed Use 3- combines residential and employment uses in central city locations. Mixed use is weighted toward residential development.

POS Parks and Open Space

PF Public Facilities

Zonegen_cl -- Seven generalized classifications into which the zoning is generalized.

IND Industrial

COM Commercial

MFR Multi-family residential

POS Public/open space

RUR Rural

SFR Single family residential

MUC Mixed Use
Reg_desc.dbf -- -- Definitions of 26 generalized zones.

Plan_class -- Generalized plan category abbreviation, e.g. SFR1

Zone_class -- Generalized zoning category abbreviation, e.g. SFR1

Describe -- Description of the plan or zoning category
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6.1 Distributor
Contact organization Metro Data Resource Center
Address 600 NE Grand Ave.
City Portland
State or province OR
Postal code 97232
Contact voice telephone 503 797-1742
Contact facsimile telephone 503 797-1909
Contact electronic mail address drc@metro.dst.or.us
6.3 Distribution liability The information in this file was derived from digital databases on Metro's GIS. Care was taken in the creation of this file. Metro cannot accept any responsibility for errors, omissions, or positional accuracy. There are no warranties, expressed or implied.
6.4 Standard order process
Digital transfer information
Format name Shapefile, arc export, DXF or MapInfo. Hourly fee will be charged for conversion
Transfer size
Digital transfer options:
Online option
Network resource name ftp.metro-region.org
Access instructions Metro can place data on its FTP site on request. In most cases, a fee for the data will be charged. Call 503 797-1742 or email drc@metro.dst.or.us for instructions.
Offline option
Offline media CD-ROM
Recording format ISO9660 (DOS, Unix, or Macintosh)
Offline option
Offline media Zip cartridge
Recording format Iomega
Fees See RLIS a la carte at http://storefront.metro-region.org/drc/alacarte/index.cfm
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7.1 Metadata date 20010715
7.4 Metadata contact
Contact person JO Price
Contact voice telephone 503 797-1895
Contact facsimile telephone 503 797-1909
Contact electronic mail address pricej@metro.dst.or.us
7.5 Metadata standard name FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata
7.6 Metadata standard version 19940608
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