The Brentwood Design Charrette

View of site as it would appear 30 years from now. Most development is concentrated at the centre of the slope with the highest density located around transit stations along the Lougheed Highway corridor (1). Ground-oriented townhouse units (2) and terraced apartments (3) are laid out within a tight gridiron road network, allowing residents to easily access surrounding shops, offices, transit and open space by foot or bicycle. Community gardens (4), and a playfield (5), that doubles as a drainage basin, provide places for public recreation. The Brentwood Mall site (6) includes the Central Physical Plant (7) where efficient and clean-air technology, such as fuel cells and heat pumps, provide energy, heat and electricity to the district. The open space to the south is maintained as the ecological infrastructure headquarters of the site. Here, treatment ponds (8), constructed wetlands (9), and a solar aquatic greenhouse (10) filter, purify, and recycle urban runoff and waste into a productive energy source.