Oregon Green 
By Michael Mehaffy
June 2007
pp. 76-79
Article reviewing the new 275 acre (111-ha) Pringle Creek Community Sustainable Master Plan in Salem, Oregon.
Cities Show a Better Way 
By Frances Bula
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Two-page article in the Vancouver Sun lists 10 cities which are using green standards and technology in their planning and implementation.
East Clayton is mentioned under "Surrey", as are Maple Ridge and Oliver in the Smart Growth on the Ground initiative.
Urban Sprawl
A small group of visionaries wants to put the brakes
on our car-happy suburbs to make them healthier for us and
our environment. Cover story from the Sunday Reader of the
Edmonton Journal.
Liane Faulder
May 22, 2005.
Gas Action Guide
Fraser Basin Council unveils new Greenhouse Gas Action
Guide, which features cost-effective actions local governments
can take to reduce GHG emissions. Please visit the Greenhouse
Gas Action Guide at:
February 16, 2005.
Change Gets Green Light
Vancouver city council recently approved an innovative
lane-paving option, which is a less-expensive, more environmentally-friendly
design which allows 60-70% of precipitation to be absorbed
directly into the ground. A similar, existing "country-lane"
pilot project, which allows more than 90% infiltration, is
located at east 27th and Fraser street.
Amy O'Brian, Vancouver Sun, December 20th 2004.
Rainwater Innovation
Innovative rainwater management techniques are rapidly
becoming commonplace in BC land development. This article
describes the Water Balance Model as an effective tool in
land use planning and reviews its application in Chilliwack,
Surrey and Coquitlam.
Kim Stephens and Tim Pringle, "Sustainable Community
Design: A New Approach to Rainwater Management", Innovation,
June 2004: pp. 18-21.
Curbless Street in our Region
Low impact housing development in Silver Valley includes curbless
streets and other green infrastructure to minimize impacts
to natural drainage.
Phil Melnychuk, Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows News,
September 1, 2004
The New
By William Boei
Six page feature article in the Vancouver Sun spotlights
East Clayton as a model for the future of Suburbia.
William Boei, Vancouver Sun C1-C6, September 6,
spotlights Sprawl in Vancouver and Seattle
Once an iconic source of pride in North America, today the
large sprawling city is plagued with traffic snarls, and the
loss of valuable open space, agricultural land and habitat.
A tour through Greater Vancouver reveals how we are doing.
Clayton Show Home Featured in Vancouver Magazine Cover
"The $364,000 Question" - Lila MacLellan explores
what $364,000 can buy a hopeful homeowner in the Lower Mainland.
MacLellan, Lila. "The $364,000 Question" Vancouver
Magazine. March 2003 pp.48-58
"Impact of
Urbanization and Land-Use on Climate Change" - Letters
to Nature
Authors Eugenia Kalnay and Ming Cai reveal that "the
most important anthropogenic influences on climate change
are the emissions of greenhouse gases and changes in land
use, such as urbanization and agriculture." This article
is from the latest issue of Nature. Nature, vol. 423,
29 May 2003: pp 528-531
Road To Damascus" in Landscape Architecture Magazine
Design Damascus, a participatory design workshop facilitated
by Patrick Condon, and supported by the 1000 Friends of Oregon
is highlighted in the November, 2002 issue of Landscape Architecture
Gragg, Randy. "The Road to Damascus" Landscape
Architecture Magazine. November, 2002 p. 48-42
Shifts Sustainability Status Quo with Neighbourhood Concept
Stories From the Basin.
by Geoff Gilliard. Environment Canada
Basin Ecosystem Initiative
East Clayton
Project Receives $862,000 Grant: Innovative Drainage system
could set provincial standard.
The Surrey Leader.
June 26, 2002
Learning: Design charettes combine principle and policy
to illustrate urban liveable community strategies.
Architecture. September, 2001.
'slurban' sprawl: End to suburban fortresses urged
Vancouver Sun. June 8, 2001. download
printer friendly version (20kb)
Flips Status Quo for Sustainability in East Clayton.
Now Newspaper,. March 25, 2001. download
printer friendly version (6kb)
Planning Expert Patrick Condon has Smart, Practical Ways to
make Cites Better.
in Vancouver. March 2001. download
printer friendly version (9kb)
try to make peace with the Environment
Vancover Sun, September 27,2000. download
printer friendly version (6kb)
Plan New Approach
The Vancouver Sun,
August 25, 2000. download
printer friendly version (7kb)
the Troubled Waters around Us
Vancouver Sun, August 25, 2000.
printer friendly version (12kb)
the Drainpipe on Urban Streams
The Vancouver Sun,
August 25, 2000. download
printer friendly version (5kb)
aims to Develop Better Environment
Globe and Mail - British Columbia Bureau, July 24,
2000. download
printer friendly version (8kb)
and UBC Cooperate on Creation of Sustainable Urban Community.
Business in Vancouver,
June 6-12, 2000. download
printer friendly version (9kb)
won't Solve Transit Woes.
The Vancouver Sun. Thursday,
June 1, 2000. download
printer friendly version (6kb)
Planning: The Ultimate BMP.
Erosion Control. April
printer friendly version (7kb)
Clayton Neighbourhood Gears up to Welcome Home-based Business.
The Vancouver Sun,
Tuesday April 25, 2000. download
printer friendly version (7kb)
Ministers won't Pay more to Help Strait.
Vancouver Sun, January
25, 2000. download
printer friendly version (6kb)
to the future for East Clayton: storm sewers out, pedestrians
The Leader, Sunday August 19,
1999. download
printer friendly version (7kb)