plan from the Sustainable Urban Landscapes design charrette for
the neighbourhood surrounding the Traditional Pattern with an Ecological
Underlay site. In this proposal commercial uses are shown
in light red, high-density housing is shown in orange, low-density
housing is shown in yellow, and public and civic buildings are shown
in blue. The commercial and high density housing centre is
located at the lower left (the southwest) corner of the site.
The centre is built around a proposed transit station on King George
Highway. A neighbourhood grid of narrow streets and lanes
has been integrated with the existing pattern of highways,
rural roads, and rectangular lots. This grid gives way when
confronted with the natural stream areas. The major east-west
connection through the middle of the site, 62nd Avenue, becomes
a pedestrian and bicycle route. The stream areas provide a
natural storm-drainage system and a framework for neighbourhood
civic and recreational facilities. Neighbourhood schools,
daycare centres, and play areas are located within the natural areas
at the centre of the site. The 0.03 square kilometre (7.4 acre)
study site is demarcated by the green rectangle. |