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The Brentwood Design Charrette


1  BCTP pgs. 6, 10; TLUP pgs. 18-19; ESA pgs. 39-41; SOER pgs. 23-25, 31-35; SCBB pgs. 61, 70-73; WWQ pgs. 4-19 to 4-29; WBMP pgs. 7-9.   
CORE pgs. 14-18; MA 942. 11; BTCP pg. 10; BOCP pgs. 28, 72, 86-87; EXA pgs. 33-38, 41-42, 54-50, 59; SOER pgs. 11, 56; WSCBB pgs. 82-84.   
3  MA 942.11 (II); LRSP pg. 43; CORE pg. 14, 17. BTCP pg. 6; BOCP pgs. 63,68; ESA pgs. 32, 60.   
4  CORE pg.18; BTCP pg. 10; BOCP pg. 63; CORE pgs. 11, 63.   
5  CORE pg. 17; MA 942.11 (d); LRSP pg. 42; COER pg. 35.   
6  MGVG pgs. 11-12.   
7 LRSP pg. 45; CORE pg. 15; MA 942.11; BCEC App. pg. 1; BOCP pgs. 20-22, 41-42.   
8  MA 942.11 (h), 945; CORE pg. 15; BOCP pgs. 29, 43-44.   
9  CORE pg. 14; CT pg. 13; BCTP pgs. 15, 18; BOCP pgs. 29, 42-43, 85.   
10  CV 46; BTCP pg. 12; BOCP pg. 50; TLUP pgs. 10-11; BTP pgs. 9, 16, 53.   
11  BTCP pgs. 11, 14; MGVG pg. 22.   
12  CORE pg. 14; SP pg. 44; MA 942.11(b); BCT pg. 6-11; CV pg. 46; BCH pg. 47; BCT pg. 6; BOCP pgs. 74-75; TLUP pgs. 5-6, 9-14; BTP pgs. 18, 25-26, 38, 55-56, 65, 78, 81; LTP pgs. 13-16; IT pg. 17; LRT pg. 2; NLRT. pg. 1.   
13  LRSP pg. 43; CORE pg. 16; CV pgs. 34, 46; BCEC App. pg. 3; A 942.11 (b); BCT pg. 13; BTCP pgs. 7-8; BOCP pgs. 74-75; TLUP pgs. 2-3, 8-14; BTP pgs. 25-26, 53, 56-57, 68, 71, 85, 91-95; LTP pgs. 16-19; IT pgs. 10-11; NLRT pgs. 4-5; NLR pg. 7; SOER pg. 19.   
14  BCH pg. 46; MA 942.11 (m); CORE pg. 14, 16; BCEC App. pg. 2.   
15  BCH pg. 46; BCEC App pg. 17; MA 942.11 (m).   
16  BCEC App. pg. 5; BCH pg. 17; MA 942.11 (m); BTP pgs. 53, 101.   
17  BCH pg. 46; CORE pg. BTCP pg. 6.
British Columbia Energy Council. Planning Today for Tomorrow’s Energy: An Energy Strategy for British Columbia. Vancouver, British Columbia: British Columbia Energy Council. 1994.  Back   
BC Hydro. Bringing Electricity to the Livable Region. Vancouver, British Columbia: BC Hydro. 1994.  Back  
City of Burnaby. Official Community Plan for Burnaby British Columbia. Burnaby, British Columbia: Burnaby Planning Building Inspection Department. 1987.  Back  
BC Transit. Transit and Land Use Planning.  Surrey, British Columbia: BC Transit Long Range Planning. 1994.  Back  
City of Burnaby. Brentwood Town Centre Development Plan. Burnaby, British Columbia: Planning & Building Department. 1996.  Back  
City of Burnaby. Burnaby Transportation Plan. Burnaby, British Columbia. 1995.  Back  
Province of British Columbia. Finding Common Ground: A Shared Vision For Land Use in British Columbia. Vancouver, British Columbia: Commission on Resources and Environment. 1994.  Back  
City of Vancouver. Clouds of Change: Final Report of the City of Vancouver Task Force on Atmospheric Change. Vancouver, British Columbia: City of Vancouver. 1990.  Back  
Gardner Dunster Associates Ltd. The Nature of Burnaby: An Environmentally Sensitive Areas Strategy, Draft. Burnaby, British Columbia: Gardner Dunster Associates Ltd. Environmental Consultants. 1992.  Back  
BC Transit. In Transit. People Moving People. Vancouver, British Columbia: BC Transit Long Range Planning. 1996.  Back  
Greater Vancouver Regional District. Livable Region Strategic Plan. Burnaby, British Columbia: Greater Vancouver Regional District. 1996.  Back  
Leicester, Glen. Light Rail Transit Growth Management in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Vancouver, British Columbia: Glen Leicester, Executive Director, Strategic Planning, BC Transit. 1997.  Back  
Greater Vancouver Regional District and the Province of BC. A Long-Range Transportation Plan for Greater Vancouver. Vancouver, British Columbia: Greater Vancovuer Regional District and the Province of British Columbia. 1993.  Back  
Province of British Columbia. “Bill 11 – 1995.” Growth Strategies Statutes Ammendment Act, 1995. Victoria British Columbia: Province of British Columbia Legislative Assembly and Minister of Municipal Affairs. 1995. (see also: Growth Strategies Statutes and Amendment Act: Explanatory Notes. Victoria, British Columbia: Province of British Columbia, Ministry of Municipal Affairs. 1995.)  Back  
Greater Vancouver Regional District. Managing Greater Vancouver’s Growth. Vancouver, British Columbia: Greater Vancouver Regional District Strategic Planning Department. 1993.  Back  
BC Transit. Northeast Light Rail Transit Service Plan Concepts, Draft. Vancouver, British Columbia: BC Transit Strategic Planning. 1997.  
City of Burnaby. The State of the Environment Report for Burnaby. Burnaby, British Columbia: Environment and Waste Management Committee. 1993.  Back  
BC Transit. Transit & Land Use Planning. Vancouver, British Columbia: BC Transit Long Range Planning. 1995.  Back  
Chamberlain, Christopher Guss, Paul Unruh, and Carli Williams. Best Management Practices Plan for Still Creek in the Brunette Watershed, Final Report. Vancouver, British Columbia. 1996.  
City of Burnaby. Still Creek – Brunette Basin Issues and Proposed Actions, Draft Report. Burnaby, British Columbia: Still Creek – Brunette Basin Work Group. 1996.  Back  
MacDonald, R., K. Hall, and H. Schreier. Water Quality and Stormwater Contaminants in the Brunette River Watershed, British Columbia, 1994/95, Final Report. Vancouver, British Columbia: Westwater Research Unit, Institute for Resources and Environment, University of British Columbia. 1997.  Back