The Brentwood Design Charrette
Example 7 
Greater density is brought about by placing ground-oriented units on narrow lots with party walls. The single-family homes, shown here in Team Three’s plan detail, would have about 1,500 square feet of interior space on 2.5 floors and have either two or three bedrooms. The cost of providing this type of home is greatly reduced by a more efficient use of land, roads, and utilities.  Example 8 
Team Two proposed narrow, fee simple lots with parking in rear lanes. Similar to a type of housing that has evolved in many of Vancouver’s older single family neighbourhoods, these units offer greater density and diversity of tenure by using the space on the lower floor of units and that above the garage for rental units. The ground-floor apartments and main-floor units open directly onto the street. 
Example 9 
Team Four proposed “Paris,” or “Berlin,” coutyard blocks. These provide new options for higher-density ground-oriented housing within a traditional neighbourhood atmosphere.