The Brentwood Design Charrette
Design Phasing
The following two concept sketches illustrate how Team Four’s vision for the site is to be implemented over a thirty-year time span. Phase one includes the realignment of light rail. The diagram shows how the rail line would first be separated from its central alignment down the Lougheed corridor via a tunnel, run parallel to Lougheed Hgihway, then travel along High Street and finally return to Lougheed Highway. This phase also includes decommissioning Brentwood Mall and relocating neighbourhood commercial uses to High Street. Phase two involves an intensification of housing, which includes re-urbanizaing the Brentwood Mall site and developing distinct commercial and residential neighbourhoods at the centre of the site (primarily through medium-density housing). Finally, the ecological foundations of the site would be restored, beginning with the Still Creek watercourse, Beecher Creek, and historic Brentwood Creek.