The Brentwood Design Charrette

Example 3
Team Two proposed a similar alignment to that of Team One. This plan detail and the perspective below shows how the rail line, centrally placed within the right-of-way, allows more of a seamless integration with other modes of travel than would be possible were there a grade separation at the intersection. The narrow, streamlined station still allows for  three lanes of traffic on either side, with lanes closest to the sidewalk providing parking during non-peak periods. The station connects northward to Buchanan Street via a covered walkway and southward to the residential community and the Still Creek corridor via a tree-lined local street.
Example 4
The street section below illustrates Team Two’s concept for the Lougheed Highway right-of-way. The surface plane of the street is left undisturbed by the presence of the rail tracks, allowing pedestrians to move safely and comfortably from one side of the street to the other. Each side of the right-of-way includes the following elements: a wide pedestrian sidewalk; an extra wide curb parking lane that doubles as a travel lane during peak periods and allows room for bikes; two travel lanes designed to minimum standards; and a central median transit stop. The streamlined station is connected to Buchanan Street via a covered walkway.