The Brentwood Design Charrette

Example 7
A section showing Team Four's concept for the pedestrainized High Street. The elimination of cars and trucks allows for a narrower and more pedestrian friendly right-of-way. Shops and businesses cater to local residents and people arriving by transit. High-density residential towers are set back above a four-storey commerical podium to accommodate very high-density buildings while reinforcing the urban streetwall. At the street level, trees, light standards, and street furniture are sensitive to human dimensions. 
Example 8
A perspective sketch of Team Four's High Street. A mix of uses in four-storey buildings enliven the street and provide a base for higher density residential towers. The entire roadway is given over to light rail, pedestrians and bikes. The train, at a height of about 8.5 feet, has a scale similar to that of an old-fashioed trolley. Integrated seamlessly into the street, transit passengers can easily become pedestrians and  vice versa.