The Affordability and Choice Today
(ACT) program is a regulatory reform initiative sponsored
by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), and
jointly managed with the Canadian Home Builder's Association,
the Canadian Housing and Renewal Association, and the Federation
of Canadian Municipalities.
The purpose of the ACT program is to stimulate
changes to planning and building regulations and residential
development approval procedures to improve housing affordability,
choice, and quality.
The Headwaters Project, centred around the
community of East Clayton in Surrey, B.C., is an ideal case
to further this purpose. The process by which the Neighbourhood
Concept Plan for East Clayton was developed provides valuable
insights into how municipalities, developers, and interested
stakeholders can collaborate to overcome the seemingly intractable
challenges associated with incorporating sustainable community
design principles and green infrastructure into a new residential
development. Download the report by clicking on the links