Design Charrettes for Sustainable Communities: Weblinks
Project Web Sites:
Visioning Charrettes
Sustainable Urban Landscapes, The Surrey Design Charrette
Sustainable Urban Landscapes, The Brentwood Design Charrette
The Damascus Community Design Workshop
Implementation Charrettes
The East Clayton Sustainable Community Design Charrette
The Squamish Smart Growth on the Ground Design Charrette
The Maple Ridge Smart Growth on the Ground Design Charrette
Design Briefs:
The East Clayton Sustainable Community Design Charrette: Appendix 3
The Damascus Area Design Workshop
The Maple Ridge Smart Growth on the Ground Design Brief
The Squamish Smart Growth on the Ground Design Brief
Britannia Beach Community Visioning Charrette:
Goals and Objectives
Design Brief
Sample Design Principles:
Extended Design Principles from the Damascus Area Design Workshop
Sample Goal and Objectives:
Goal and Objectives for Damascus Design workshop: Pages 5 – 9 (pdf).
Technical Bulletins:
All James Taylor Chair Bulletins
East Clayton Design Charrette example Technical Bulletins:
Two Alternative Development Site Standards Compared
Front driveway vs. rear lane designs
Transportation and Community Design: the Effects of Land Use, Density and Street Pattern on Travel Behavior
The Maple Ridge Design Charrette Technical Bulletins:
Transportation issues
Economic development issues
Final Presentation Slide Shows:
Maple Ridge Smart Growth on the Ground
Britannia Beach Community Vision Charrette
Final Reports:
Damascus Community Design Workshop Final Report
Britannia Beach Community Vision Charrette
Maple Ridge Smart Growth on the Ground Community Vision
Full Implementation Plan:
City of Surrey East Clayton Neighbourhood Concept Plan
Charrette Summary "Cheat Sheets":
South East False Creek (SEFC) "Cheat Sheet"
Somerset County Regional Center Design Brief Summary
Final Charrette Presentation PowerPoint template
Team report
Breakout session questionnaire example
Southeast False Creek Design Charrette Questionnaire for Charrette Report

Maple Ridge Charrette Vision
Copyright Design Centre for Sustainability
and Smart Growth on the Ground.