The Brentwood Design Charrette

Perspective sketch looking north along the pedestrian bridge. Aligned to connect with a north-south green street, the bridge also connects to the system of open spaces that link the mixed-density residential neighbourhoods on either side of Lougheed Highway. Residential towers at either end of the bridge announce the community hub and provide a distinct community landmark. 

Perspective of the commercialized Lougheed Highway. Slow-speed boulevard parking lanes provide a safe and comfortable zone for local residents and those using the shops and services along this high-traffic street. Like High Street, four-storey commercial-use bases are surmounted by high-density residential point towers. At their most dense along Lougheed Highway and near transit hubs, these towers would mark the entrance to the town centre, allow many people to live at the heart of the community, and increase the viability of the commercial core and transit line.