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Transforming Cities Through Participation
Scales of Policy and Planning
Both the East Clayton Neighbourhood Concept Plan and the Urban Planning Participatory Laboratory were informed by a host of emerging internation, national, regional and local policies for more sustainable development. This ensured that alternative processes and plans were grounded in public policy and therefore, reflected the values, aspirations, and priorities of those who would be affected by these processes and plans.
East Clayton

Rio 1992
Kyoto Agreement 1997

National Scale
1989 - National Round Table on Environment and Economy
1992 - National Policy for the Management of Fish Habitat
1997 - Fisheries Act
1998 - National climate change process

Provincial Scale
1991 - BC Roundtable on Environment and Economy
1994 - CORE Report
1995 - Regional Growth Strategies Act (14 planning principles)

Regional Scale
1995 - Livable Region Strategic Plan (four strategic goals)

Municipal Scale
1995 - South Newton Charrette and formulation of seven principles of sustainable community design
1996 - Surrey OCP revised according to regional context
1996 - Clayton General Land Use Plan process (adopted in 1998)
1999 - City Council adopts 7 principles of sustainable development as a basis for developing East Clayton Neighbourhood Concept Plan.

Neighbourhood Scale
1999 - East Clayton Sustainable Demonstration Project Neighbourhood Concept Planning process (identification of stakeholders)
Spring 1999 - four day charrette to develop draft East Clayton land use plan
Fall 1999 - city council approval of draft Land Use Plan
2000 - 2001 - implementation of first development project

Scales of Policy and Planning for Avane

International Scale
1992 Rio Conference Agenda 21 (chapter 28; open space + community involvement)

European scale
1994 of Aalborg - to implement Agenda 21 at the local scale, "Piani Locali", by 1996
1995 - European CommissionAwareness Scenario Workshop - recommended community participation for urban planning in European cities.
1996 - Habitat II - City Summit to implement Piani Locali.
1997 - Conference of Amsterdam - Developing Eurpean Union sustainable dev. policy.
1997 - Act 285 - Recommends that cities consider participation of children in city planning activities.

National Scale
1993 - National Plan for Sustainable Development in implementation of Agenda 21
1996 - Minister of Environment established Sustainable City Program to achieve Piani Locali.

Provincial Scale
1990's- Province of Florence establish a Office of Sustainability

Municipal Scale
1996 - Develop a new PRG ("Empoli Futura") 1997 - City of Empoli initiate program, "Making a Friendly City through Participation." 2001 - implementation of Local Agenda 21 in all of Empoli using alternative PRU as model

Neighbourhood Scale
1997 - urban planning laboratory with "cittá di bambini e delle bambine" to develop alternative PRU (Piano di Riqualificazione Urbana)
1998 - final workshops with city planning staff to refine alternative PRU
2001 - city council approval of alternative PRU
2001 -? - implementation of alternative PRU



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